Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2, 2014

Well today was sure a miserable day - foggy and dark from the time I woke up, and then it stayed gloomy all day. Now it's snowing, and the weather says we'll get 1-2" of snow overnight. I'm hoping for a snow day tomorrow! This area panics over the smallest bit of snow, or even just over a heavy rain, so I think there's a possibility. *crosses fingers*

So, today! Today I focused on plans to implement my New Year's resolution of getting on an exercise program. I've decided I'm going to do the Couch to 5K program, and work in body weight training a bit later on down the line. So my first order of business was to acquire new running shoes, because my only sneakers were seriously about 6 years old, I've had them forever, and they are very beat up. So I headed into Columbia Heights after work to buy a new pair:

I'll start with the program next Monday! Will have to still figure out the where-to-do-running part - outside, I guess, unless there's an indoor track at UMD that I can run around on. Will have to check.

Afterwards, I felt very virtuous, so I stopped at Panera and had panini and a cookie for dinner. I'm excusing myself by saying that it was cold and snowy and I need the calories to stay warm on the trek home. Or something.

I did entertain myself with coming up with a new story plot, which hasn't happened in a while. I've jotted down the basics of it - maybe one of these days, as the "interesting thing of the day," I will plot out the story and write the first chapter of it :) After all, there's a lot of year to fill.

Tomorrow: The Hobbit!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 1, 2014

So I am reasonably active on Ravelry, and one group that I am most involved in centers around setting goals and seeking to achieve them (Resolutions Monthly). Usually goals are set on a monthly basis, though sometimes not, and it's a fairly supportive group - I've been a part of the group from the beginning, and I've gotten to be pretty good online friends with the regulars.

So a couple of months ago someone (I'm pretty sure it was me, actually) suggested a group challenge of knitting/crocheting a sweater for the new year. A bunch of us took up the challenge, and today was the official start date for it. I am knitting a sweater pattern called "Dark and Stormy," created by Thea Colman. So today's interesting thing is I started the sweater! :) Next time I manage to be home when the sun is out, I'll post a pic of my progress so far (the lighting in my apartment is crap, so I really need natural light to show off my knitting). I have until March 31st to knit the sweater to succeed at the challenge, and it's a fairly complicated one with lots of cables, so...cheer me on and let's hope for the best! You'll probably see a few more mentions from me about it as it progresses, plus the big reveal when/if I finally finish.

In other interesting news, I spoke with Jonathan and Austin today, and we've discussed tentative plans to meet up in San Francisco in August. More on this later down the road as plans solidify...

Tomorrow: Undetermined as yet, but possibly revolving around exercise plans, to act on this year's resolution...

December 31, 2013

Well, I pretty much had to start off with New Year's Eve, right?

I'm one of those people who likes having something to do New Year's Eve. It just gets the whole year off to a good start, you know? Like, if I'm just sitting around doing nothing that night, it doesn't set a good precedent for the rest of my year.

So I went over to Paul's house. Getting out of the house was semi-disastrous, since I threw in a load of laundry and the dryer decided right then to have a sulky fit. Many threats of dis-assembly later, it finally consented to start working properly, but I had to run out of the house halfway through or risk being hopelessly late. About halfway there, I remembered I was supposed to bring a bottle of red, so once I got off the Metro at Tenleytown I made a mad dash for the liquor store that's thankfully right there and was still open. Inside I warded off the many advances of overly zealous staff, picked up a bottle of pinot noir, remembered at the last minute to grab a bottle of champagne (because you can't celebrate the New Year properly without champagne!), then headed off to attempt to find Paul's house.

Paul lives in a complete warren of streets, practically impossible to find in daylight, let alone in the pitch darkness of early evening in January. But I prevailed!

It was a pleasant evening, overall :) We ordered pizza, split the red, and, when Netflix and Xfinity both failed to provide the originally intended films, settled in to watch "Up" and "Wall-E" on the Disney channel. We are sophisticated people, yo. No, in all seriousness it was great, I love those movies! And thankfully we missed the first 5 minutes of "Up," so Paul was not forced to handle me bawling like a baby, which is my typical reaction to those first 5 minutes. Gets me every time, man.

The champagne turned out to be awful, an overly sweet monstrosity. Note to self - do not take alcohol recommendations from the Tenleytown liquor store staff ever again. The sad thing is that five years I probably would have loved it, but I think taking up my regular bourbon habit has ruined my tolerance for sweet drinks.

Once the ball had dropped and the champagne drunk, I started getting antsy - I'd been at my parents' house surrounded by people for 10 days, I just wanted to go home at point. So I headed out (dodging the good night kiss - poor Paul, I'm sure I'm giving off all kinds of crazy mixed signals as I vacillate between "hey, I like you," and "OMG cannot deal with people and close contact with them!" This guy is in for a rough ride if he sticks around).

Metro v. amusing with all the drunk people. Had to flee to another car at one point as one particularly drunk individual seemed inclined to start a fight with another guy (as indicated by repetitive threats to *blank* him up and aggressive belt tightening, which seems to have been a preparatory move to carrying out said threats - was not previously aware of this potential implication of sartorial choices), but for the most part it was pretty much tamer, save for drunk 20something females screeching at each other as we went through downtown. I hope that I was never as screechy as a 20-something, and that I will never be now that I am a staid and mature 30-something.

One of the best parts, really, about New Year's Eve is all the texts I exchange with friends once midnight hits. I think I probably overdid the angsting to poor Jamie about my inability to cope with relationships and romantic prospects. I'll buy her a drink at bowling next Sunday to make up for it, but at least she is able to deal with it well enough:

Me: Do I have to grow [as a person]? I could just avoid people forever! ;)
Jamie: Don't make me come over there and smack some sense into you girl :)

Jamie rocks. If I should ever get into trouble with the law, I want her to be my lawyer. Also she's better at bowling than I am.

And not to laugh at Stephen :) but he doesn't get that tipsy very often, and he sure sounded like he was having a good time - wish I had been there!

And that was my New Year's. Happy New Year to you!

Next day: The New Year Sweater