Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2, 2014

Well today was sure a miserable day - foggy and dark from the time I woke up, and then it stayed gloomy all day. Now it's snowing, and the weather says we'll get 1-2" of snow overnight. I'm hoping for a snow day tomorrow! This area panics over the smallest bit of snow, or even just over a heavy rain, so I think there's a possibility. *crosses fingers*

So, today! Today I focused on plans to implement my New Year's resolution of getting on an exercise program. I've decided I'm going to do the Couch to 5K program, and work in body weight training a bit later on down the line. So my first order of business was to acquire new running shoes, because my only sneakers were seriously about 6 years old, I've had them forever, and they are very beat up. So I headed into Columbia Heights after work to buy a new pair:

I'll start with the program next Monday! Will have to still figure out the where-to-do-running part - outside, I guess, unless there's an indoor track at UMD that I can run around on. Will have to check.

Afterwards, I felt very virtuous, so I stopped at Panera and had panini and a cookie for dinner. I'm excusing myself by saying that it was cold and snowy and I need the calories to stay warm on the trek home. Or something.

I did entertain myself with coming up with a new story plot, which hasn't happened in a while. I've jotted down the basics of it - maybe one of these days, as the "interesting thing of the day," I will plot out the story and write the first chapter of it :) After all, there's a lot of year to fill.

Tomorrow: The Hobbit!

1 comment:

Katie said...